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Pine Island Farm Volunteers

Welcome to Pine Island Community Farm. We are so grateful to have your help.  Please check out the possible assignments, choose your favored task, and then sign up for a time that suits you.  Please note, much as we appreciate your goodwill, it is not helpful to us in the end to have people who only drop in once or twice.  We spend more time orienting you than the help you give us.  If you can become a "regular,"  coming by at least a couple of times a month to do a job that you have mastered, you are GOLD in our book!  Please note that baby goat feeders must be able to come once a week (same day each week) for the duration of the feeding schedule (10-12 weeks).  Other jobs are more flexible.

If you are a student (or other person!) who would like to develop a relationship with the farm by coming at least one half day per week for a whole semester, please contact Karen directly at pineislandfarmvt@gmail.com to express your interests. We will link you with one of the farmers or assign you to other tasks where we need regular help.

Please ALWAYS dress for the weather.  It is often cooler and windier at the farm than it is in town.

Please park in front of the 3-bay garage and do not block roadways that are used for farm equipment.

Please follow all instructions and use caution with tools, mud, ice...

All volunteers must sign in the volunteer book each time you work at the farm.  Please sign a liability waiver the first time you come over (inside the volunteer notebook in the office or barn).

Where are we?  1029 Pine Island Road, Colchester.  Take Mallets Bay Ave. from Winooski toward Colchester.  Turn left on Pine Island after you pass a horse farm (left) and cow farm (right).  We're at the end of Pine Island Road.


Pine Island Farm Volunteers

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