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#1 Fan Volunteer Service Agency


I would like to introduce #1 Fan (Volunteer Service) Agency to you.  We are a group of ladies, men, boys and girls serving the community. Bringing support to organization, special cause groups, non-profit and for-profits that provide important resources to communities in need.

#1 Fan Volunteers are trained for the events they work and understand the value of their serice. Volunteers are important to organzations and we provide the service they need with class. 

#1 Fan Volunteer Service Agency support events in and outside of Missouri. To be a part of the out of town events you must attend the Annual Training and Orientation for all volunteers. However, completing and understanding the value of your service is important to us so Training is a must.

Youth must also go through an interivew and Group Orientation. Ages start as young a 8 year old. We provide teenages with community services hours as well as on job training in some areas. Volunteering is more than just a way to give back it is also a way to learn new skills as you recieve resources while meeting new people.

Please Call us Monday - Thuraday 10am -3pm for more information. 

(314) 326-6110

#1 Fan Volunteer Service Agency

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