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Tucson Waldorf School Service Page

Welcome and thank you for being a part of our amazing school and parent community! The 48 service-hours per family required at TWS (July 1 to June 31) not only builds community, but is essential to the functioning of the school. We hope that your service experiences are rewarding and fun!

Here's how this site works:

1) Service hours are automaticaly logged when you sign up for a job.

2) If you gave service hours, but never signed up using VolunteerSpot, you can log those hours now by signing up for half or whole hour increments under the applicable category (e.g. Office Support, Enrollment, etc.) 

3) Organizing an event at TWS? Linda Biederman (Parent Service Coordinator) can help you set up volunteer sign-ups. Please contact her at: parentcouncil@tucsonwaldorf.org.

Today's families lead busy lives, and it can be a challenge to find the time and energy for service. To find a good match for your interests and schedule, talk with your classroom teacher or Room Parents, or contact Linda. Please know that you can always meet with our Director, Margery Bates (director@tucsonwaldorf.org), if you feel that your family cannot fullfill the service hours requirement this year, and she will work with you to find a solution! 

SignUp.com is free thanks to our sponsors: